The Bolster Moor community newsletter, “CanCan”, for Easter2023 has now been published. It contains information and articles on events and news around Bolster Moor. If you have not seen it yet you can download a PDF version.
2021 December CanCan
The Bolster Moor community newsletter, “CanCan”, for December 2021 has now been published. It contains information and articles on events and news around Bolster Moor. If you have not seen it yet you can download a PDF version.
2020 December Can-Can
The Bolster Moor community newsletter, “CanCan”, for December 2020 has now been published. It contains information and articles on events and news around Bolster Moor. If you have not seen it yet you can download a PDF version.
2020 July Can-Can
The Bolster Moor community newsletter, “CanCan”, for July 2020 has now been published. It contains information and articles on events and news around Bolster Moor. If you have not seen it yet you can download a PDF version.
Clough Head School: Plea to our community
Clough Head School is being used as the child care base for all 3 of the federation schools this week. School is closed to the majority of our federation children, however we will have up to 30 children and staff each day at Clough Head because their parents are key workers or they fall into the ‘vulnerable children’ category. We are hoping to be outdoors in the sunshine as much as possible, both in the playground and on the school field. We would normally encourage the children and families in our community to enjoy using our school field in such lovely weather, however we are politely requesting that between the hours of 8.30a.m. and 3.30p.m. next week, families not accessing our child care provision stay away from the field, playground and school building. This is so that we can practise ‘social distancing’ as best we can and help stop the spread of the virus. We want to do our very best to keep all our families and community members safe,If you are able to share this message around the neighbours and community we would very much appreciate it. Thank you for your help. Stay safe everyone.
Kind Regards,
Claire Kenworth
Federation Headteacher
The Heights Federation (Clough Head, Wellhouse and Wilberlee J and I Schools)
This response to COVD -19 is co-ordinated by BMCA and The Westwood Centre alongside the people of our lovely Bolster Moor community, for information, practical help while self-isolating, or just a calm and friendly voice if you have any concerns.
Continue reading2020 March CanCan
The Bolster Moor community newsletter, “CanCan”, for March 2020 has now been published. It contains information and articles on events and news around Bolster Moor. If you have not seen it yet you can download a PDF version.
BMCA fundraising Quiz
Following on from the success of our last quiz, we are planning another Community Quiz on Wednesday October 23rd, 7.30pm, at the Golcar Lily. Teams can be made up of a maximum of 6 people, with £1 donation per person.This time the prize for the winning team will be a case of six bottles of wine, and Lindt cchocolates. There will also be a great variety of raffle prizes.
Those who came along to the previous quizzes made it into another Great Night Out. So round up family, friends, colleagues and neighbours, and let’s have another fun evening.Many thanks to the previous winning team for agreeing to set the next quiz.
Centurion Racing – October update
One month on and we have some exciting news regarding fundraising. We have now raised roughly a third of the funds we need to attend the World Finals in Abu Dhabi in November. We have had a number of generous donations to our GoFundMe campaign ( and a local company, Aflex Hose Limited, have made a significant contribution to our campaign funds. Aflex Hose, the world’s leading manufacturer of PTFE flexible hose, are now our title sponsors for the event and we have developed a new logo for the event which reflects this. Fundraising is still obviously a priority for the team and if you can support the team in any way, large or small, it would be much appreciated. Email laurence@centurionracing for details of sponsorship packages.
Continue readingCenturion Racing make it through to the World Finals
We are always delighted to hear of the achievements of the young people in our area, and so we were very pleased last year to receive an article from Laurence Vines, who has lived in the Bolster Moor Community area of Harts Hole for over thirteen years. Laurence was 14 when he first founded Centurion Racing which designed, built and raced the fastest car in the country in the F1 in Schools competition. Here, in a second article, Laurence gives an update on the further achievements of Centurion Racing:
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